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Security Reference

1.OpenSOAP Envelope Security Function Group

  RSA Key Generation

#include <OpenSOAP/Security.h>

int OpenSOAPSecGenerateRSAKeys(const unsigned char* szSeedPhrase,
                               FILE* fpPrivKey, FILE* fpPubKey);
int OpenSOAPSecGenerateRSAKeysToFile(const unsigned char* szSeedPhrase,
                                     const char* szPrivKeyFileName,
                                     const char* szPubKeyFileName);

  The OpenSOAPSecGenerateRSAKeys() function creates a private and public key pair.
  The private key is written to fpPrivKey and the public key is written to fpPubKey.
  The OpenSOAPSecGenerateRSAKeysToFile() function is the same as the function
  OpenSOAPSecGenerateRSAKeys() except that the private and public keys are written
  to the files represented by szPrivKeyFileName and szPubKeyFileName respectively.
  The parameter szSeedPhrase is a character string which is used when generating
  an internal random value when creating the key values. It can optioanally be set
  as a character string. szSeedPhrase is only used when generating the RSA Key and
  is not required in other phases. In general, if the same value for szSeedPhrase
  is used, a different key pair will be generated.

[Return Value]
  OpenSOAP API error code



#include <OpenSOAP/Security.h>

int OpenSOAPSecEncWithStream(OpenSOAPEnvelopePtr env, FILE* fpPubKey);
int OpenSOAPSecEncWithFile(OpenSOAPEnvelopePtr env,
                           const char* szPubKName);

  The function OpenSOAPSecEncWithStream(), with the following conditions in the
  Body section, encodes the attributes of the relevant elements using the public
  key provided in fpPubKey.

 - attribute name : encrypt
 - namespace      :
 - value          : True (boolean)

  The function OpenSOAPSecEncWithFile() is the same as OpenSOAPSecEncWithStream()
  except that the public key is defined by the file named in szPubKName.

[Return Value]
  OpenSOAP API error code



#include <OpenSOAP/Security.h>

int OpenSOAPSecDecWithStream(OpenSOAPEnvelopePtr env,
                             FILE* fpPrivKey);
int OpenSOAPSecDecWithFile(OpenSOAPEnvelopePtr env,
                           const char* szPrivKName);

  The function OpenSOAPSecDecWithStream(), with the following conditions in the
  Body section, decodes the attributes of the relevant elements using the private
  key provided in fpPrivKey.

 - attribute name : encrypt
 - namespace      :
 - value          : True (boolean)

  The function OpenSOAPSecDecWithFile() is the same as OpenSOAPSecDecWithStream()
  except that the private key is defined by the file named in szPrivKName.

[Return Value]
  OpenSOAP API error code


  Digital Signature Addition

#include <OpenSOAP/Security.h>

int OpenSOAPSecAddSignWithStream(OpenSOAPEnvelopePtr env,
                                 int iType, FILE* fpPrivKey);
int OpenSOAPSecAddSignWithFile(OpenSOAPEnvelopePtr env,
                               int iType, const char* szPrivKName);

  The function OpenSOAPSecAddSignWithStream() creates an RSA digital signature
  for the entire Body section, and appends it to the Header section. It uses
  the private key in fpPrivKey to  create the signature.
  Also, iType specifies the hash algorithm to be used when creating the
  signature. The hash algorithm is selected from the following list:

  OPENSOAP_HA_MD5    : MD5 Algorithm
  OPENSOAP_HA_SHA    : SHA Algorithm

  It is irrelevant if a digital signature has been previously appended to this
  Envelope. The function OpenSOAPSecAddSignWithFile() is the same as
  OpenSOAPSecAddSignWithStream() except that the private key is defined by the
  file named in szPrivKName.

[Return Value]
  OpenSOAP API error code


  Digital Signature Count

#include <OpenSOAP/Security.h>

int	OpenSOAPSecCntSign(const OpenSOAPEnvelopePtr env,
                       int* pnSig);

  Regarding the Envelope provided by env, this function retrieves the current
  number of signatures, and  stores this value in the location pointed to by

[Return Value]
  OpenSOAP API error code


  Signature List Acquistion

#include <OpenSOAP/Security.h>

int	OpenSOAPSecGetSignedByList(OpenSOAPEnvelopePtr env,
    	                       int nCntMax,
                               OpenSOAPStringPtr list[],
                           	   int* pnCntPacked);

  Acquires the signature list. The calling program allocates enough storage
  to hold nCntMax signatures. pnCntPacked contains the number of signatures
  returned. (Maximum of nCntMax signatures)

[Return Value]
  OpenSOAP API error code


  Digital Signature Verification

#include <OpenSOAP/Security.h>

int OpenSOAPSecVerifySignWithStream(OpenSOAPEnvelopePtr env,
                                    FILE* fpPubKey);
int OpenSOAPSecVerifySignWithFile(OpenSOAPEnvelopePtr env,
                                  const char* szPubKName);

  The function OpenSOAPSecVerifySignWithStream() verifies the RSA digital
  signature of the entire Body section. The public key in fpPubKey is used
  when verifying.
  If there is more than 1 signature, only 1 verified signature is enough for
  verification. The function OpenSOAPSecVerifySignWithFile() is the same as
  OpenSOAPSecVerifySignWithStream() except that the public key is defined in
  the file named in szPubKName.

[Return Value]
  OpenSOAP API error code


2.Tools Function Group

  Convert Key File To Binary

#include <OpenSOAP/Security.h>

int OpenSOAPSecDecodeKeyFile(FILE* fp, unsigned long* pulLenOut,
                             unsigned char** ppucDecode);

  The contents of the key file provide by the file pointer fp is converted to
  binary. pulLenOut contains the size of the data after binary conversion. The
  binary data itself is written to the location pointed to by ppucDecode. After
  the binary data has been used, free() should be called to release the memory
  used by ppucDecode.

[Return Value]
  OpenSOAP API error code


3.Certification Authority Data Manipulation Function Group

3.1.Preparatory Steps

  Before using the functions in this section, it is required to define the
  Certificate Authority database filename environment variable(Environment
  variable name : OPENSOAP_CA_DATABASE). The path of the database to be used
  is assigned to this environment variable. Note that for this path, a
  management file with the suffix "_sno" will also be created and used.

  Certificate Authority database file name : /home/CA/CA.db, and also at the
  same time, the file "/home/CA/CA.db_sno" will be created and used.
  Browse Display(Test Use)

#include <OpenSOAP/Security.h>

int OpenSOAPSecCABrowse(FILE* fpOut);
int OpenSOAPSecCABrowseRec(const OpenSOAPCARecPtr pRec,
                           FILE* fpOut);

  The current contents of the CA-DB (Certificate Authority Database), as
  defined by fpOut, can viewed by the function OpenSOAPSecCABrowse().
  For each line, 1 record is output.
  For each line, the data is listed in the order below.

  (a)Serial Number
     Displayed as a 10 digit decimal number. The serial number is a unique
     number in the database. Once it has been registered, there is no further
     change afterwards.
  (b)Invalidation Data
     If that record has been invalidated, the character '*' is output; if not,
     a space character is output.
  (c)Owner Name
     This is output as a character string enclosed in ("[]") parentheses.
  (d)Effective Date and Time Limit
     Year Month Day Hour Minute Second, a 14 digit string with the year value
     displayed using 4 digits, and the other values displayed with 2 digits.

     <Invalidated Data Example>
     0000000002*[Juventus] 20020211120000

     <Normal Data Example>
     0000000003 [A.C.Milan] 20020201120000

  The function OpenSOAPSecCABrowseRec() is the same as OpenSOAPSecCABrowse()
  except it is used for a single record.

[Return Value]
  OpenSOAP API error code


  Public Key Registration

#include <OpenSOAP/Security.h>

int OpenSOAPSecCARegist(const char* szNameOwner, const char* szTermDate,
                        size_t sizPubkey, const unsigned char* szPubKey,
                        unsigned long* pulSerialNo);

  Register a public key. The following values are set.
     Name of the key owner(Character string). The maximum length of this character
     string is OPENSOAP_CA_OWNER_LEN - 1.
     Effective Date and Time Limit. A string of digits representing year, month,
     day, hour, minute and second in that order. The year is represented by 4
     digits, and all the other items by 2 digits each. (Ex. "20020211120000").
     The length of this string is fixed at 14 characters, ,
     and is terminated with a NULL character.
     Public key data length (in bytes). This is the value for the data generated
     by binary conversion using OpenSOAPSecDecodeKeyFile().
     Public key data (binary).

  On success, this function returns the serial number stored at the location
  pointed to by pulSerialNo.

[Return Value]
  OpenSOAP API error code


  Invalidate a Public Key

#include <OpenSOAP/Security.h>

int OpenSOAPSecCAInvalidate(const char* szNameOwner, unsigned long ulSerial);

  Invalidate the record whose owner is defined by szNameOwner, and serial number
  by ulSerial. In this process, the record is NOT deleted, and the record itself
  remains in the database.

[Return Value]
  OpenSOAP API error code


  Search for a record for a specified owner

#include <OpenSOAP/Security.h>

int OpenSOAPSecCASearchRecords(const char* szNameOwner,
                               int* pnRec, long** pplIdxs);
int OpenSOAPSecCASearchOneRecord(const char* szNameOwner,
                                 OpenSOAPCARecPtr* ppRec);

  The function OpenSOAPSecCASearchRecords() searches for relevant records whose
  owner matches szNameOwner. The number of records found is stored in the location
  pointed to by pnRec. Also, the location pointed to by ppIdxs contains a group
  of indexes(not serial numbers). After usage, this index block can be released
  using free(). By using the function OpenSOAPSecCAGetRecord() on thses indexes,
  it is possible to retrieve the actual records. The function
  OpenSOAPSecCASearchOneRecord() searches for 1 record that matches the owner
  specified by szNameOwner. The resulting record is stored at the location pointed
  to by ppRec. If there is more than 1 record for the specified owner, then the
  record with the latest effective date/time limit will be retrieved.
  The acquired record should be released after use by the function

  Both of these functions exclude records that have been invalidated.

[Return Value]
  OpenSOAP API error code


  Retrieve A Record

#include <OpenSOAP/Security.h>

int OpenSOAPSecCAGetRecord(long lIdx, OpenSOAPCARecPtr* ppRec);

  Retrieve a record represented by lIdx, and store it in the location pointed to
  by ppRec. After use, the retrieved record should be released by calling the
  function OpenSOAPSecCAFreeRecord().

[Return Value]
  OpenSOAP API error code


  Release A Record

#include <OpenSOAP/Security.h>

int OpenSOAPSecCAFreeRecord(OpenSOAPCARecPtr pRec);

  Release the memory allocated for the record pointed to by pRec.

[Return Value]
  OpenSOAP API error code


  Delete Record

#include <OpenSOAP/Security.h>

int OpenSOAPSecCARemoveRecord(unsigned long ulSerial);

  Remove the record with serial number ulSerial from the database.
  Note that this function is unlike OpenSOAPSecCAInvalidate() which allows the
  record to remain in the database.

[Return Value]
  OpenSOAP API error code


3.Digital Certificate Operations Function Group

  Create Digital Certificate

#include <OpenSOAP/Security.h>

int OpenSOAPSecCertCreateWithStream(const char* szPublish,
                                    FILE* fpPrivKey,
                                    int iHashType,
                                    const OpenSOAPCARecPtr pRec,
                                    FILE* fpCert);
int OpenSOAPSecCertCreateWithFile(const char* szPublish,
                                  const char* szPrivKeyFile,
                                  int iHashType,
                                  const OpenSOAPCARecPtr pRec,
                                  const char* szCertName);

  Creates a digital certificate.
  The function OpenSOAPSecCertCreateWithStream() takes as input the following
  parameters, and writes a digital certificate to fpCert.

  (a) szPublish : Publisher's Name
  (b) fpPrivKey : Publisher's Private Key File Stream
  (c) iHashType : Hash algorithm for certification. Selected from:
        OPENSOAP_HA_MD5    : MD5 Algorithm
        OPENSOAP_HA_RIPEMD : RIPEMD-160 Algorithm
        OPENSOAP_HA_SHA    : SHA Algorithm
  (d) pRec      : Certification Authority Database Record

  The function OpenSOAPSecCertCreateWithFile() is the same as
  OpenSOAPSecCertCreateWithStream() except that the private key and the digital
  certificate are specified in files szPrivKeyFile and szCertName.
[Return Value]
  OpenSOAP API error code


  Load Digital Certificate

#include <OpenSOAP/Security.h>

int OpenSOAPSecCertLoadFromMem(size_t sizArea,
                               const unsigned char* pucArea,
                               OpenSOAPSecCertPtr* ppCert);
int OpenSOAPSecCertLoad(const char* szName,
                        OpenSOAPSecCertPtr* ppCert);

  The function OpenSOAPSecCertLoadFromMem() loads a digital certificate from the
  location pucArea of size  sizArea, and stores it at the location pointed to by
  ppCert. The function OpenSOAPSecCertLoad() is the same as the function
  OpenSOAPSecCertLoadFromMem() except that szName points to the specific area.
  After use, the retrieved digital certificate should be released using the
  function OpenSOAPSecCertFree().

[Return Value]
  OpenSOAP API error code


  Release Digital Certificate

#include <OpenSOAP/Security.h>

int OpenSOAPSecCertFree(OpenSOAPSecCertPtr pCert);

  Release the memory containing the digital certificate pointed to by pCert.

[Return Value]
  OpenSOAP API error code


  Digital Certificate Signature Verification

#include <OpenSOAP/Security.h>

int OpenSOAPSecCertVerifyWithStream(FILE* fpCert,
                                    FILE* fpPubKey);
int OpenSOAPSecCertVerifyWithFile(const char* szCertName,
                                  const char* szPubKeyName);

  Using the specified public key, verify the signature of a digital certificate.
  For the function OpenSOAPSecCertVerifyWithStream(), the digital certificate and
  the public key are obtained through the file pointers fpCert and fpPubKey.
  For the function OpenSOAPSecCertVerifyWithFile(), the digital certificate and
  the public key are obtained through the files szCertName and szPubKeyName.

[Return  Value]
  OpenSOAP API error code


  Certificate Internal Details Reference Functions

#include <OpenSOAP/Security.h>

int OpenSOAPSecCertGetPublisherName(OpenSOAPSecCertPtr pCert,
                                    char** pszName);
int OpenSOAPSecCertGetSerialNo(OpenSOAPSecCertPtr pCert,
                               unsigned long* pulSerial);
int OpenSOAPSecCertGetOwnerName(OpenSOAPSecCertPtr pCert,
                                char** pszName);
int OpenSOAPSecCertGetEndDate(OpenSOAPSecCertPtr pCert,
                              char** pszDate);
int OpenSOAPSecCertGetPubKey(OpenSOAPSecCertPtr pCert,
                              const char* szSaveName);

  This group of functions allow access to the internal data of a digital
  certificate pCert. For the function OpenSOAPSecCertGetPublisherName(), the
  publisher's name will be set to the location pointed to by pszName. This area
  is defined by the digital certificate internally, and cannot be released. For
  the function OpenSOAPSecCertGetSerialNo(), the pointer pulSerial will be set
  to the location containing the serial number. For the function
  OpenSOAPSecCertGetEndDate(), the pointer pszDate will be set to the location of
  the Certificate's effective date. This is a 14 digit string in the following
  order year, month, day, hour, minute and second. The year is represented by 4
  digits with the remaining items being represented by 2 digits.
  (Ex. "20020211120000")
  This area is defined by the digital certificate internally, and cannot be
  released. Also, the string is NOT terminated with a NULL character (The string
  is a fixed length of 14 characters ). For the function
  OpenSOAPSecCertGetPubKey(), the Certificate's public key will be stored in the
  file szSaveName. This public key is in ASCII, and has the same format as the
  public keys used in this library.

[Return Value]
  OpenSOAP API error code


[Return Value]
  OpenSOAP API error code

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